Alcohol / Alcoholic Content

(see also: Alcoholic Fermentation)

Ethyl alcohol or ethanol is present in all wines except those from which it has been technically removed (dealcoholized wines). It has a surprisingly strong influence on the taste of the wine and Gut Hermannsberg has an ideal alcoholic content for each category of wine we produce. For example, for dry Riesling wines from our 7 terroirs we look for around 12.5%, but for the naturally sweet wines of the Kabinett and Spätlese categories we definitely want to stay under 10%. Sweet Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese / TBA can have as little as 5.5% alcohol, and red wines can have as much as 16.5% yet still taste harmonious. Alcohol is both a drug and a poison, but the effects depend very greatly upon the quantity consumed.

We therefore suggest that you enjoy our delicious wines, but you consume them in moderate quantities.

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